Welcome to my blog. This blog will be about my road and journey to creating financial freedom. The goal of this blog is to hopefully inspire you to follow in my footsteps and be able to learn from my mistakes and experiences. I hope this will allow you to reach your goals and live a rewarding and enjoyable life.
What does financial and time freedom mean to me?
Creating financial freedom to me is not about retiring or not having a purpose but more about creating a rewarding and fulfilling life. This means I am not constrained by a job and can have more freedom to enjoy myself while still earning an income. After I create financial freedom, my next goal will be to achieve time freedom this will be about doing what I want when I want.

My Background
Here is a bit of background about me. I am a 23-year-old from Melbourne, Australia. I went to university and studied Commerce majoring in Finance and Economics. Now I work as a public servant. My journey to financial freedom started 4 years ago in 2021.
In 2021 I decided to try and start my first side hustle this was going to be drop-shipping or more specifically Amazon FBA. I spent months researching products, doing online courses and trying to sell products. I ended up finishing this endeavour losing around $800.00. Not to bad if you ask me and was able to pick up some small skills too. Ultimately, I decided to stop because I thought the market was highly saturated and the profit margins were quite low. To really be successful you had to create and establish a brand as well as be one of the first to find some good products. I just didn’t feel like I had the time or energy to complete either of these tasks at the time.
Then I moved on to day trading, doing this for about 2 years. I made money here and there but ultimately overall after the courses and groups I lost money. I realised it wasn’t something I enjoyed and I was forcing myself to try and create financial freedom. The late nights were also taking a toll on me leaving me extremely tired throughout the day. I think it is important to mention that when you try and gain financial freedom you don’t want to give yourself another job. Make sure you enjoy doing what you are doing! Being passionate about what your doing will not only help achieve goals but will be more sustainable in the long term.
Direction of the blog?
This blog will be a description of the tasks I complete every fortnight and any information I learn or discover. As I go on I plan to have more of a vision and plan and give a more structured breakdown so that future blogs are more predictable. However, life is unpredictable so I think it wouldn’t be of any benefit to set too tight of a roadmap. In every blog I will explain what I did in the previous fortnight. What I learnt and what successes/failures I have had. I will also outline what I will try and achieve in the next fortnight, this will help me make sure I am committed to the task and that I stay focused and motivated. I will also share the materials I am utilising and provide links to them. You can find them here or under the Resources tab.
For the next blog I will be reading Vivid Vision by Cameron Herald. This will be my first step towards creating financial freedom. I plan on creating a vision for what I want my life to be like and will share this. I will also continue to work on my mindset . This will help me to become more positive and let me find more opportunities and meeting new people. Now the most important thing to remember when setting out to achieve something is to actually go out and do things. Nothing is ever going to just come to you. You must be out there looking and searching for things. I want to conclude by giving a shout out to Brian Luebben for setting me out on this journey. I highly recommend listening to his podcast Action Academy it is a complete game changer and I believe it has changed the whole direction of my life in the last 2 weeks. The links to the show on spotify and his website are below.
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