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Creating a Vivid Vision. Establish your dream!

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Below is a copy of my Vivid Vision. Please feel free to read as much or as little as you want. I will go through the importance of a vivid vision and how you can create a vivid vision. This is my first time writing it so my Vivid Vision is probably not the best. I recommend reading the book Vivid Vision by Cameron Herald this gives a great outline of how to write it and the thoughts behind each step. I have added below some pictures that inspired me about what I want my life to be like.


I wake up in my apartment and look out at a view that inspires me and pushes me to grow. I head to the gym like I do every morning. On the way there, I decide to book a holiday to Peru, leaving that night. I book holidays like these multiple times a year, I love travelling. I have complete control over my life and know where I want to be and how I am going to get there. I am successful and time is now my own. I no longer trade time for money. I am happy and comfortable with who I am. People like who I am and often seek me out. I am positive influence on other people. I am a positive person and negativity does not affect me. I prioritise my own beliefs over others’ opinions. I have freedom to live anywhere and can work from anywhere because of the systems and processes I have in place. I excel at what I do. I am a problem solver I can easily identify and fix issues. I have a “can do” attitude and face challenges head on.

Photo of Mt Fuji from my trip to Japan. I want to see new places around the world constantly.


I prioritise my physical and mental health. I have a mindset coach that helps me improve my mental health. I am between 8-12% body fat year-round, I am always in shape. I go to the gym 4 times a week and run at least twice a week. I feel great and this is the healthiest and best I’ve ever felt. I take time out of my week to play sports socially to help create bonds and strengthen friendships. I put time and effort into myself ensuring that I take care and present myself well. I am more in tune with my emotions meaning I am a better communicator leading to higher value friendships and partnerships. I have a strong success driven mindset that means I can find and act upon new opportunities that arise. I am relaxed and enjoy my life.


I believe in myself and the people around me. My closest circle, believe in me. I push the people around me to continue to strive for more success and they push me and together we improve. I often work on myself and my mindset. I achieve my goals and success is something that comes naturally to me, I take it. I am not jealous or envious of others and instead focus on improving myself. I do not concern myself with possessions or materialistic items instead focusing on living and enjoying my life. I am not held back by negative thoughts and do not let negativity control my opinions or emotions. I am able to easily remove any biases or beliefs that limit or hinder my mindset and my success, this leads me to excel at what I do. I quickly eliminate and remove all negativity from my surroundings.


I am financially free. I have a passive income of 100k/year. I am a net worth millionaire and have a well-established and successful business. I have established great processes and systems which allow me to find plenty of opportunities. I am also able to effectively VET these opportunities for investment. I experience high levels of growth, doubling my income every 3 years and leading to more financial success. I am not controlled by my finances. I use them as a tool to help live a fulfilling and abundant life.


I have a small trustworthy network of close friends and mentors; we strive to push each other to succeed. I credit my success to my network and the people I have around me, who help me push myself. I have no shortage of mentors or people I can lean on for help. I am also sought after for advice and guidance and enjoy spending my time helping out. I am well liked by many people and am thought of as someone who is fun to be around. People often want me around and ask me to see them. I have a large support network free from negative people. I don’t let other people get in my way or slow me down and quickly remove these people from my life. I am someone who is trustworthy, fun, caring and always strives to be the best, this is why people consider me a great friend.


I am proud of my family and who I am as a partner, son and brother. I am a great partner who is supportive and always present. I prioritise my family over business. I get along well with my family and continue to get closer and spend more time with them. I have a loving partner who is loyal and supports me. I am in touch with my emotions and am constantly looking for ways to improve myself as a partner. My partner will support and drive me to complete my vision, she will also see her vision within my own. Together my partner and I will push and achieve many goals together.

Mentors/social groups:

I have a strong group of peers and mentors I can go to for advice and guidance. These mentors keep me in check and make sure I am ready to succeed. I look up to and am proud of my mentors. I am transitioning into a mentor role myself helping people who are only starting on their journey to financial freedom. Helping others not only makes me happy it also motivates me and brings me success. I am involved with many masterminds and groups filled with like-minded people. I am a member of action academy. Within these groups I am seen as a valued member by often contributing, being active and helping people within these communities. I am respected and sought after in these groups, it is often said that these groups would not be the same without me. I am able to effectively vet my mentors getting the most out of my mentors leading to more success and growth. My mentors find working with me rewarding and exciting and they truly believe in me and care about my growth and development.

Create your Vivid Vision

Creating a vision is one of the most important things you can do. It’s something that is so obvious, yet almost nobody seems to actually set out and do it properly. How can you ever achieve your dreams and goals without actually defining your goals? That is the power of creating a vivid vision or a defined goal. By actually defining what your goal is you are giving yourself a destination a place that you can actually reach and you can head towards. It is not some fairytale life that you can’t articulate but rather a defined vision that can be worked towards and eventually reached. Creating a vision also helps to set a time frame to when the goals are to be achieved. I once heard someone say a goal without a deadline is just a dream. If you don’t have a deadline, it is very easy to simply push out tasks and say I will do these later. Having a deadline places importance on urgency and actually moving towards and completing the steps to achieve the goal. Finally, the vision is something you can be held accountable too. Something that can really help you push towards a goal is accountability when you lack accountability you can easily shift focus away from the vision and onto other aspects of your life.

If you are looking to create a good vivid vision and get the most out of this exercise read the book Vivid Vision by Cameron Herald. If you aren’t reading the book, how can you expect to create your vision properly and properly set out your goals. The book outlines the key steps and gives you some interesting sample visions to help get an idea of how to write it. There will be a link below to the book. But for quick guide to write a Vivid vision, simply go to a quiet place away from distractions and dream about what you think your life should look like in the future. I chose 3 years but I think you could choose a bit longer I would suggest not going above 5 so you still have to push yourself to achieve these goals. Then start writing everything that comes to mind down on a piece of paper, I simply wrote dot points but if it is better for you, you can do a mind-map or anything else that helps you better organise your ideas. Let your imagination run wild, this process will take a while (a couple of hours at least). Finally, the last step is to go through all the notes and write them out as a vision (again this is covered in a lot more detail in the book). Finally, I decided to create a vision board based on my vision in which I took photos that represented certain aspects of the vision. This is so I could put it somewhere we I can see it all the time, so I am constantly reminded of my vision. I will go over how I created my vision board in a later blog.

Link for the book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/4h9Rc5q

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